
Pros and Cons of Hiring Managed IT Services

The world is moving faster than ever before with each passing day. The internet of things, the cloud, and mobile are all changing how we live our lives. These innovations have also changed how businesses operate. This has increased the need for IT support services to ensure that business technology stays updated and running smoothly. One option is hiring managed IT services which can be a good choice for some people, but it isn’t suitable for everyone. In this article, we will cover five pros and five cons of hiring managed IT services so you can decide if it’s right for your company or not!


All Techs are Provided: 

With some plans, the MSP firm supplies all your company’s technology, such as workstations, servers, and software. It’s that simple. All you have to do is utilize them and pay for them. This is costly, but it means no technological expenditures for your firm, allowing it to concentrate its funds on other areas and always beneficial.

No Additional IT Staff Needed: 

If you are looking to save money on your company’s operating costs, hiring managed services is a great way. You won’t have any additional staff members since the MSP will be handling all of that for you. This saves you from worrying about training new people and can lead to significant savings in this area over time.

Technical Assistance When Needed: 

This is one of the various reasons to hire an IT support company. Managed service providers often provide phone support or even onsite techs who help with common issues when they arise. These specialized professionals usually make quick fixes, so clients don’t need more extensive repairs done than necessary, which means lower bills at the end of the month!

Changes in the Models: 

If an MSP maintains a high standard of performance, it should be able to avoid technical difficulties. It does this by monitoring internal IT factors such as hardware, software, security, and the internet to notify you if there is a problem or abnormality. Finally, what you’re spending for is someone who will prevent your company from facing difficulties rather than fixing them.


If a firm employs one “computer guy” to handle all things IT, it’s reasonable to assume that this individual lacks expertise in all disciplines. They may be able to repair Microsoft Word issues, but what if your router breaks down? If an MSP’s staff includes a mixture of contractors and employees, it is typical to have specialized IT experts for each function. This usually implies that they are more well-equipped than you.

Business Continuity: 

Do you ever ask yourself how you’d handle a data loss or system failure as a business owner? If you don’t already, you should. An MSP can assist you in this area immensely. A competent MSP can develop a robust disaster recovery strategy that will allow you to sleep well at night, knowing that if catastrophe strikes, your company can survive.



There are several factors to consider when choosing the best MSP. Make no mistake, though, having a good MSP is pricey. Depending on the business’s size and technical needs, you’ll most likely have to pay upfront expenses as well as a few hundred dollars each month. It’s also important to consider what an MSP would save you in other areas, such as if it supplies technology that you will never have to purchase on your own.

Long-Term Commitment: 

Most MSPs work on an annual contract, which means you are committed to working with them for a year. This may be okay if the relationship is good, but it can create problems when something goes wrong, or your business needs change drastically within that period.

No Dedicated IT Staffer: 

If you decide to hire managed services for any reason whatsoever, then there’s one major thing you have to look out for: subpar service providers who don’t take care of their clients as they should. A great example would be those companies that prioritize large accounts over smaller ones because they’re easier and more lucrative, so your small company could get pushed back in favor of larger customers day after day– this isn’t fair to you.

Lack of Transparency:

 With managed services, the more your account knows about what goes on behind the scenes with your company’s IT system, including its strengths and weaknesses, the better equipped they will be at resolving issues promptly. This is why it can sometimes be difficult for business owners to get information out of their service providers because some things have nothing to do with billing or invoices but still need attention!

Not Accessible 24/Hr: 

As an MSP client, you should expect availability whenever you need assistance, even if it’s late at night or early in the morning. If not, then this could lead customers to seek other options, which ultimately isn’t beneficial for either party. And also, of no worth if the company doesn’t give a solution instantly.


 In the end, there are a lot of pros and cons to hiring managed IT services. It all depends on your priorities as an organization or individual. We hope this blog post has helped you understand how important it is to have those technical skills for your business now that we live in such a digital age where technology plays such an integral role.