Digital Marketing

10 Best Sales Strategy to Grow WooCommerce Store Revenue 10x

The one common question that comes into the mind of every store owner is, how to increase sales on WooCommerce?

Sales are crucial for the success and longevity of your WooCommerce store and let’s not forget sales directly influence revenue too. So, if you want to grow your revenue, you need to find a way to optimize WooCommerce sales.

Luckily, there isn’t just one way, there are a plethora of ways to boost WooCommerce sales. Unfortunately, listing all those tactics is not feasible.

That’s why we narrowed it down to the 10 best and most used strategies that can be used to boost WooCommerce sales. So, without further ado, let’s dive into those sales strategies right away.

Target your existing customers

When eCommerce stores don’t make enough sales most store owners think that it is due to the lack of customers. They think their store needs more customers and start the customer acquisition process.

The problem with customer acquisition or acquiring new customers is that it is expensive. Your store is already not achieving enough sales, depleting your resources in acquiring new customers now is redundant.

So, what should I do now?

Simple, concentrate on what you have in your hand. You already have your existing customers, reach out to them and target them with new marketing tactics and other strategies to boost WooCommerce sales

Remember, existing customers and returning customers spend 3x times more on their purchases than new customers. All you have to do is re-ignite them with persuasive marketing campaigns and encourage them to purchase.

This is not only for your sales, every time when you are about to initiate any marketing campaign, always begin with your existing customers. Be it an email campaign, loyalty, referral program, etc. your existing customer should be the first to know it.


Your existing customers know who you are, they know about your brand, your store, and how you work. So, you’ll have better conversion rates when you start with your existing customers.

Retaining your existing customers is crucial to boost WooCommerce sales and revenue. It will also help you strive in the market for a long time.

So, one of the best sales strategies to grow revenue is to concentrate on your existing customers and retain them. They’ll automatically boost WooCommerce sales and bring you new customers too through WOM marketing.

Launch email marketing

Customers are crucial for your quest to boost WooCommerce sales. So, you need to constantly engage with your customers to foster loyalty and keep them notified all the time.

How will you do it?

The easiest and cost effective way to do it is through email marketing with help of the best WooCommerce marketing plugins.

Yes, email marketing generates the highest ROI when compared to any other marketing medium. That is why you need to launch an email marketing campaign.

Once your email marketing campaign is up and ready, you can start sending your emails and inform customers about new products, abandoned carts, special offers, personalized emails, etc.

These emails will help you keep your customers in close proximity to your store. You can create email newsletters and educate your customers about the products they purchased.

Types of the email you can send as part of your marketing campaign,

  • Welcome email
  • Discount email
  • Onboarding email
  • Cart recovery email
  • Thank you email
  • Referral email
  • Personalized email

You can send these emails as part of your marketing campaign and boost your customer engagement which in turn will boost WooCommerce sales of your store.

But remember, to do all of this, you need an email list first. You can use popups, signup forms in your store to collect customer’s email addresses and segment them.

Create individual buyer personas and then start sending your emails using the best WooCommerce marketing plugins, only then you can target your customers better. Keeping in touch with the customers is crucial to boost WooCommerce revenue and emails are the way to do it.

Run a referral program

Now back to your existing customers, previously we said how important it is to target your existing customers and retain them if you want to boost WooCommerce sales.

Sometimes, more than an email or a discount, your existing customer will want more.

As humans, we have the impulse to suggest our friends & families to things that we like. Likewise, your existing customers will also have the same impulse too.

So you need to launch a referral program in your store and allow them to fulfill their impulse by sharing your store with their friends.

Referral program is where you turn your existing customers into brand advocates and acquire new customers. The cool thing about a referral program is that all parties concerned will be rewarded.

Remember, when we said acquiring new customers is expensive. If you want to minimize the expense of customer acquisition then a referral program is what you need.

By running a referral program, you can easily acquire new customers with the help of your existing customers. Thus you got a new customer and retained an existing customer in one move.

Yes, since you offer rewards for every referral, your existing customer will start referring more of their friends thus bringing more customers to your store. And since they are getting rewarded, your retention rate will also skyrocket, and also you can optimize WooCommerce sales.

To run a referral program, you need a referral plugin that can help you launch a referral program within minutes and take care of the referral campaign automatically. There are many WooCommerce plugins out there, choose the right one and start acquiring new customers.

Initiate a loyalty program

Every customer in your WooCommerce store deserves an acknowledgment for purchasing in your store, especially your loyal customers.

When your store has a handful of loyal customers, you need to treat them well, these are the customers that bring in more revenue to your store. They purchase often and they’ll stand by you even in your downtimes.

So, how do you show your gratitude to loyal customers?

Easy, by initiating a loyalty program. The interesting thing is even the customer will expect a loyal program when they have been purchasing in store for a long time.

Customers prefer loyalty programs more than anything else. Through these programs, offer rewards or points to their loyalty and encourage them to stay loyal to your store for more rewards. This will push to purchase more and increase your sales.

Satisfying your loyal customers will bring you success in many ways,

  • Boost WooCommerce sales and revenue
  • Increased brand awareness
  • Acquire new customers through WOM marketing
  • Increase your customer retention rate

A loyalty program will make your customers stick with you instead of switching to an alternative store as you are making their presence worth it.

To do this, you need the best WooCommerce marketing plugins that can help you initiate a loyalty program right away and start rewarding your customers for their loyalty.

Offer discounts and coupons

One of the reasons why your sales might not be converting enough can be due to lack of discounts and coupons. Most cart abandonment happens due to a lack of discounts.

Yes, eCommerce customers are hard-wired like that nowadays, they always expect a discount or a coupon to purchase.

So, the best way to keep them purchasing is by offering more discounts in your store. This is where the buyer personas you created for email marketing can come to help.

Based on the customer’s location, demographics, likes, interests, purchase & search history you can personalize the discounts and offer them to your customers.

For example, if you have overseas customers, they often worry about the shipping rate and that may stop them from purchasing. So, offer a free shipping discount only to overseas customers, this will optimize WooCommerce sales.

Similarly, offer discounts to women on Women’s day sales. You can know their demographics through buyer persona research.

So, the next time you think about how to increase sales on the WooCommerce store, start offering discounts using the best dynamic pricing plugin for WooCommerce and watch your sales go through the roof.

Recover abandoned carts

Abandoned carts often go unnoticed when you talk about boosting your sales and revenue. In fact, most store owners think that abandoned carts are of no use once the customer has left the checkout.

They are oblivious to the fact the abandoned carts still hold value in them and the customer almost purchased it. 

See, cart abandonment happens in every eCommerce store, shopping cart abandonment is a tough task because you need to find the reason first. The problem here is, there are a plethora of reasons for cart abandonment and you cannot look into all of it.

So, your best chance here is to recover your carts using a cart abandonment solution after the abandonment has happened. Since it already holds a revenue in them, recovering abandoned carts can be one of the easiest ways to boost WooCommerce sales.

The best way to recover abandoned carts is by using the best WooCommerce marketing plugin for cart recovery. These plugins are automated, it can track cart abandonmenT and send a series of cart recovery emails to customers until they recover their cart.

You can add discounts in the emails, create FOMO using urgency and more through those emails to persuade the customers to return to your store and purchase.

Have you heard the term “hiding in plain sight”, well abandoned carts are like that. It is just sitting there in your eCommerce checkout, so the next time you wonder how to increase sales on a WooCommerce store, you start recovering your carts.

Showcase your testimonials

Trust is very crucial if you want to boost WooCommerce sales. Customers won’t purchase from you until they develop trust in your store.

So, how do I make my customers trust my store?

Simple, show you, new customers, what your existing customer has to say about your store. Customers always trust the words of other customers, this will help them develop trust in your store.

Display your customer reviews, customer stories, and testimonials on your product pages. Customers will take a look at these social proofs which will persuade them to purchase the products.

The goal here is to make the customers trust your store, showcasing customer reviews & testimonials will persuade your customers to purchase as other customers loved your service too.

Similarly, you can also display trust badges in your store to make your store look secure with the latest certifications. This will assure customers that your store is safe and secure for their purchase which will boost WooCommerce sales.

Upsell & Cross-sell

When you own an eCommerce store, you must think of various ways to optimize WooCommerce sales and revenue. One such tactic used by prominent eCommerce stores like Amazon is upselling and cross-selling.

Upselling is the process of recommending a better or more expensive product than the product that the customer has chosen. This is usually done to persuade customers and boost WooCommerce sales.

Cross-selling is where you recommend complimentary products to the one that the customer has added to their cart. This is done to increase the average order value.

This has become a more common practice in every eCommerce store nowadays. You might wonder, will it work?

Yes, it will work because customers are already on the verge of purchasing as they have added the product to their carts.

Recommending a better or complimentary product at this stage will create an impulse and they’ll end up purchasing the recommended products.

Even Amazon uses this tactic to its advantage, it is time for you to do it in your store and boost WooCommerce sales.

Sell benefits instead of features

One thing that most eCommerce store owners often forget is that these are real customers purchasing the products and not robots. No engagement is established, so in the long run, the customers will move on from your store.

If you want to strive in the long run you need to resonate with the customers. Remember, the buyer persona you created for email marketing, which you can use here.

When you created a buyer persona, you might have figured out the customer’s pain and pleasure points. You would already know what troubles them and what you can do to fix it.

Use those information here, instead of selling the product based on its features, sell it based on its benefits.

Tell customers how a product can change or compliment their lifestyle. How the product can relate to their pain points and help them overcome those hurdles.

For example, a customer might be searching for a new bed but they want a good sleep. So, sleep is the pain point here.

What you do is, sell a bed to the customers and tell them how it can help them sleep better. Instead of talking about the features, tell how your product can make their dream better and wake them up in the best mood.

This might look unconventional, but this is what is needed in an eCommerce store if you want to optimize WooCommerce sales. Reach out to their pain points and sell your products.

Streamline your checkout

Alright, this one is not exactly a tactic but an unavoidable practice that you must follow in your eCommerce store if you want to boost WooCommerce sales.

Hard checkout process is one of the major reasons for cart abandonment and poor sales. Most conversions are lost because of the poor checkout page than any other eCommerce process.

So, if you want to increase sales in a WooCommerce store, you need to streamline your checkout process and make it easy for the customers to complete the checkout process and leave.

You can streamline your checkout in the following ways,

  • Limit checkout process to one page
  • Use autofill options on forms
  • Multiple payment gateways
  • Use collapsible menus
  • Show progress bar
  • No additional navigation
  • Use right CTA

You can use the tactics to ease out your checkout process so that customers can purchase their product easily and help you boost WooCommerce sales.

Wrapping up

Just because you’ve launched your WooCommerce store doesn’t mean the sales will fall from the sky. You need to work hard for it using the right tactics to boost WooCommerce sales. That’s why we compiled some of the best strategies to show you how to increase sales on WooCommerce stores.

All you need is a handful of the best WooCommerce marketing plugins to help you with your sales boosting endeavors listed in the article.