
Technology and its Impact on the Practice of Law

We have to admit the fact that nothing in our life can escape the reach of technology. The latest trends of technology can bring significant changes to diverse sectors of life. It’s difficult to recognize a single industry without the application of technology and its derivative. And, legal services are no exception in inviting technical expertise.

However, a selected portion of legal professionals is opposing the technology and its help. They prefer to stick to the decade-old procedures in order to practice the legal affairs and conduct the research. However, with the help of technology, it has become possible to access countless research databases. The legal profession is discovering the power of digitization with the right magnitude of technology, no doubt.

How is Technology Reshaping the Legal Industries?

This vast change in the field of technology wasn’t caused overnight. And, you can clearly imagine how technology is going to take time in improving the different industries. The legal services have joined this network, too. For example, the usage of the internet has opened a wide door for the practitioners of a law firm in Dubai to access numerous research content.

Whereas some lawyers’ communities are welcoming the change and impacts of technology towards the legal sectors. But, some lawyers are still stigmatic towards the technical innovations because of the fear of being replaced. Let’s take a look at how technology is able to break the myth regarding legal services and how it is going to benefit the experts.

Research has Never Been so Easy

If you’re one of the active practitioners from any law firm in Dubai, then you might be looking for trustworthy resources from where you can access legal cases. The application of Artificial Intelligence has made it possible to legally stay in touch with renowned and acknowledged databases.

All the case summaries, regulations, and statutes are on the verge of digitization. All the credit goes to technology that has enabled an easy-access for lawyers and attorneys all over the world. Even, the biggest tycoons in the legal industries have disclosed their legal statutes and terminologies through online platforms. And, other legal corporations are following the trend successfully.

Billing System Redefined

It’s quite complicated to keep track of the billings, even for the attorneys. We know that attorneys mostly come with a fixed rate of remuneration while attending any client over the consultation. However, the ticking clock might not exactly tell the right duration of the consultation.

But, technology has got the right solution to keep an eye on the time duration that the attorneys are investing for the clients. Now, lawyers are capable of tracking the time with a single click or voice command. In addition to this, the associated billing system would precisely calculate the charges for the consultation or the legal service. On the other hand, technology has made it easier to store records regarding legal services and billing. And, you can transfer the bills to your clients. They can pay you by using any convenient mode of payment.

Virtual Offices

When it comes to fixing an appointment with a lawyer, we can imagine a well-organized and professional corner where the lawyer is ready with his or her valuable suggestions. However, the era has changed due to the advancement of technology, and we have manifested countless changes in the last decade. Surprisingly, the concept of virtual offices has gone viral nowadays.

Instead of residing in an office build with brick and mortar, lawyers prefer virtual setups to meet clients. It is definitely saving the overhead costs for the lawyers. As a client, you will be able to get in touch with your lawyer without overcoming geological boundaries. And, they can handle the legal complications remotely. Further, they can even rent any reliable space according to their requirements.

Chatbots are Making the Difference

Fetching case details and summaries have become a matter of click. The miracle has become possible with the advent of chatbots. When you are contacting any reputed law firm across the globe for your legal interest, chatbots are available to help you with the exact piece of information you need.

You might not be answered by an actual lawyer, every time. Chatbots are here to assist the clients with common queries and their responses. There are several applications that can provide the right legal assistance to people whenever required.

Document Review

The practice of law is not an easy thing; it takes long hours of practice to make the representation and claims perfectly. The trials and preparations should go minute and error-free among the legal associates and attorneys. And, they need to review an enormous amount of legal documents in order to succeed in any complicated legal case in the conference rooms.

Additionally, it generally consumes a lot of time. However, technology has appeared as a saviour in this case. You can now easily program your computers to get thousands of document reviews in just a few minutes. And, this has been triggered by Artificial Intelligence. Now, the lawyers are not bound to spend hours after hours preparing for the trial.

Why are Lawyers Opposing the Technological Progress in Legal Professions?

Generally, lawyers and attorneys are trained to minimize the risk in legal affairs. Apparently, they are on the same logic when it comes to using the latest technology for easing up the practice of law conventions. Attorneys believe in not mending something that’s not broken; they think that those old days of approaches are gold and practical, still now.

In addition to this, a particular section of lawyers fears that the clients might not favour the technical changes. However, technology has smoothened the process of research. Moreover, technical advances have made it possible to bridge the gap of communications between the clients and lawyers with a feasible virtual platform.

Apart from these, lawyers fear the instances of being replaced by the technology and its derivatives. It’s true that technology and machines have replaced manpower in definite industries. But, in the legal industries, it seems impossible for technology to replace lawyers. The practice of law demands human intelligence and touch. We are sure that technology can never do so.

So, what’s the Way out?

In order to witness the positive outcomes of technology in legal services, lawyers should embrace the facts and figures. Rather than being scared of the rumoured consequences, attorneys should use the technology. The advantages are quite obvious, and it would surely lead the practice of law to gain a more feasible outcome. Well, the attorneys have to be a little tech-savvy. That’s it!