
ISO Standards And ISO 27000 Series Decoded Data

ISO is an independent, non-governmental organisation regulating standardisation requirements for any traded product or services, and it is the abbreviation of the International Organization of Standardization. The technical committee or the Full members of the organisation formulate these standards. This certification assures safety, quality, the process of making, and product services to the customers. ISO serves to be the most trusted and well-known certification people check for in a product. Currently, ISO 27001 Certification is being registered predominantly by all professional organisations.

ISO 27000 Family of standards

ISO has established more than 20,000 standards with members from 165 countries and its official 78 technical teams worldwide. Each standard has its characteristics and functions. Some of them are as follows.

  • ISO 9000 – This standard is entitled to quality management of products or services offered to esteemed customers. It includes a series namely ISO 9001, 9004. THE current ISO 9001 Version came about in 2015.
  • ISO 27000 Series – As we are facing increased cyber threats, this certification is to ensure information security. This family comprises ISO 27001, 27002, 27005, 27017, 27031. ISO 27000 Certification provides the safety and protection of information stored and the assurance of safety and its acknowledgment, in turn, builds the customer’s trust.
  • ISO 14000 – This provides guidelines and effective measures to environmental management. This family of standards emphasises social responsibilities irrespective of the nature of the organisation.
  • ISO 31000 – Revenue is the most important aspect to run a business successfully. This standard helps us to manage risk factors and be consistent in the market. This standard is not precisely a certification but provides safety measures to be practised.
  • ISO 45001 – This standard facilitates the employer’s health and safety. Therefore, all organisations would create a safer working environment, cover their medical premiums and avoid workspace hazards to get accredited.
  • ISO 22000 – This applies to food manufacturers, restaurants to maintain safety precautions accordingly as regulated by the ISO.
  • ISO 37001 – As the famous saying goes,” Money makes many things “, and with it comes the mentality of bribing and corruption in an organisation. An anti-bribery management system can eradicate this kind of behaviour. This system monitors and notifies any form of abnormal activity.


This standard is very famous and has high registration rates due to internal and external cyber threats companies are facing recently. This standard regulates the safety and protection of data with the Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). This standard has control over 11 domains and objectives, which are as follows.

  • Security policy
  • The organisation of information security
  • Asset Management
  • Human Resource security
  • Physical and Environmental security
  • Communication and Operations management
  • Access control
  • Information systems acquisition, development, and maintenance
  • Information security incident management
  • Business continuity management
  • Compliance


  • Using the required laws to protect information efficiently.
  • Establishing information security in both internal and external groups.
  • To maintain and classify assets responsibly.
  • Providing required Human Resource support to employees prior, during and after a change of work or termination.
  • To prevent and secure any unauthorised entry or any damage caused inside the premises.
  • To maintain information processing facilities like backup, network security, monitoring, mobile codes, exchange of information, media handling, etc.
  • Checking and resolving any weakness in the information security systems.
  • It prevents any form of unauthorised access to information, network, operating systems or applications.

Maintaining confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.