
The Impact of Technology on Dentistry

Technology in general is advancing at a breakneck pace, and dental technology is no exception. However, it is critical to recognize that technology is meaningless without the expertise to back it up. What distinguishes modern dentistry is not only the use of cutting-edge equipment, but also the knowledge of how to use that equipment to provide patients with the best possible experience in the dentist’s chair. Furthermore, new technology can help patients live better oral health lives, which can lead to better overall health.

The development of laser dentistry is one of the most significant advances in dental technology. Lasers can help make dental procedures less painful and faster, as well as improve and shorten healing times.

Lasers also benefit patients by enabling less invasive procedures. Laser dentistry can help you achieve your dental goals in a variety of ways, including gum recontouring and periodontal treatments. Periodontal treatments kill bacteria and cut away diseased tissue in a very precise way, whereas re-contouring reshapes the gums by laser to even out the gum line and lengthen teeth.

However, lasers are only one technological advancement used by dentists. The patient can then see how they would look after restorations or cosmetic dentistry, allowing them to make informed decisions about which procedures to have.
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Many patients experience anxiety when visiting the dentist, and some avoid going entirely. Fortunately, there are numerous modern dental technologies that can make your visit more comfortable, if not enjoyable. The list below includes some of the most effective tools used by dentists to create a comfortable, safe environment for patients.

Implants for teeth

Dental implants are a modern replacement for dentures. They can be used to replace a single tooth or as part of a bridge to replace multiple teeth. They provide a safe, long-lasting, and natural-looking way to restore your beautiful smile without the need for major dental procedures.

Dentistry with sedation

Sedation dentistry is used by dentists to safely relax patients so that they can enjoy their dental experience. Three methods are available:
Laughing gas (nitrous oxide): A type of inhalation therapy used to relax patients. Conscious oral sedation: A pill that induces a higher level of relaxation.
NuCalm method: A cutting-edge tool that uses neuromuscular techniques to relax patients.

Ozone treatment

Ozone therapy disinfects and kills bacteria in the mouth by using an energized form of oxygen. Ozone has long been used in modern medicine, but it has only recently entered the dental world as a treatment option for oral health. It is extremely relaxing for patients.

Six month smiles and invisalign

Modern orthodontics tools such as invisalign and six month smiles are used by dentists to straighten your teeth. Both are transparent/tooth-colored and comfortable to wear. With Invisalign, you receive a set of removable aligners that typically straighten your teeth in 18 months. DIAGNOdent is a small, portable laser device that allows dentists to find tiny dental imperfections painlessly, long before they would have been discovered without the modern tool. Cavities can be detected and treated at an early stage of development, avoiding future pain and discomfort.

Radiography and digital X-rays

Low-radiation dental x-rays are a quick and painless way to obtain precise images of your teeth, mouth, and jaw. Dentists can view the images on the chairside computer monitor with you to ensure that you fully understand the diagnosis.

Cameras for intraoral use

An intra-oral camera is about the size of a standard dental mirror and provides dentists with a 360-degree view of your oral cavity. Your dentist can use this camera to take a video tour of your mouth and zoom in on problem areas to diagnose conditions.


An Isolite is a mouthpiece that allows your mouth to rest comfortably open and pillows your tongue, relaxing you during longer procedures as needed. It also includes a light, which allows your dentist to diagnose and treat any oral conditions more efficiently.

Night guard NTI-tss

The NTI-tss Night Guard is an FDA-approved, comfortable mouthpiece that treats bruxism and prevents migraines without the use of narcotics.
Laser Treatment (LANAP) The laser-assisted new attachment procedure (LANAP) is a modern method of treating gum disease. Dentists can now treat gum disease more effectively and safely than ever before, without the side effects that often accompany traditional treatment.

LANAP can also be used in conjunction with a probe to visualize the progression of your treatment on a computer.

CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) is a cutting-edge technology that enables dentists to create and place porcelain restorations more quickly than ever before. Dental crown procedures used to take up to two weeks to create and install.