
Why You Should Choose Bright Pattern for Call Center Software

Bright Pattern is a major player in the call center software space. The modern marketplace utilizes all the latest in technological advancements, and with the help of a cloud-based infrastructure, like the one offered by Bright Pattern, rolling out new solutions and continuously improving calling operations are simple, cost-effective, and highly efficient. Callers are able to make the most of each contact with prospective clients through the use of the brand’s innovative platform and plugins that make for personalizations and customizations throughout the user experience.

Continue reading to learn more about what sets Bight Pattern apart from the pack when it comes to customer service, calling operations, and call center software packages.

Bright Pattern’s call center software is robust, intuitive, and agile.

Unlike older models of calling infrastructure, today’s enterprise call center software has to be agile and intuitive. Bright Pattern software platforms offer the user exactly this. Enterprise solutions are tailor-made with the help of personalized plugins and added features that can be used to design the exact experience that brands are looking for in their daily calling needs. Everything from omnichannel additions that allow the use of WhatsApp or WeChat applications to enhanced security features that are compliant with GDPR or HIPAA regulations can be built into the infrastructure of the calling solutions to ensure the greatest possible approach to consumer outreach or inbound calling operations designed to support top-quality customer service.

Indeed, brands have learned over the last few years that fantastic customer service is more important than cost-cutting measures that can be passed on to the consumer directly. With the introduction of cloud-based calling operations, brands are quickly recalling their contact center resources from overseas and third-party vendors in favor of rebuilding in-house calling. This allows for the use of personally trained customer service representatives (CSRs) who know the products and service models, are personally invested in the success of the company, and are passionate about helping consumers with whatever specific needs they may have regarding the brand itself.

Outsourced calling has offered a great approach to reducing costs, but this has come with its own price tag of sorts, and with the introduction of expanded calling operation options like Bright Pattern’s formula for success, the choice has become a no-brainer with both cost-effectiveness and fantastic calling operations coming from the same outlet.

Bright Pattern offers a versatile infrastructure that’s built for modern times.


In the current circumstances, cloud-enabled solutions are more important than ever before. With the need to work from home for many businesses and individuals, the use of cloud-based calling systems means that representatives are able to bring their work home with them and log in from their kitchen tables, home offices, or even back porches. In many industries, this hasn’t been possible, and the same can be said for many who work in the calling field. Yet, with the help of Bright Pattern software, the ability to cut the cord and work from home offers a freedom that many calling operations can’t muster for their staff members.

This is a great change of pace for those who are looking for a morale booster as well as the opportunity to ensure a continuity of service to customers who need and rely on constant contact with your sales or customer service teams. Working from home is a real possibility for those within the calling operations field with the use of Bright Pattern technologies.

Consider installing Bright Pattern’s enterprise, cloud-based calling systems for the best in service and functionality across various components of the calling landscape. From cost-effectiveness to the rapid ability to problem solve on behalf of customers, this is a must-have in the world of customer service.