
What are Hard Drive Head Crashes & Affect Your Computer

Your computer stores all the crucial system data in its hard drive, and any issue with it can cause data loss unless you have performed backups on time. Now, your hard drive may come across quite a wide range of issues. And, crashes between the read/ write head and the platters are a common one among them.

There are certain ways through which you can identify this problem on your device. Also, you must act quickly if your hard drive faces this issue. Here, we have all that you must know regarding hard drive head crashes.

How does the Read/ Write Head Work?

Your hard disk drive (HDD) features round platters on which it stores data. There are multiple platters in the drive, and they rotate around a spindle at high speeds. As for reading and writing data, there’s a single head for doing both. Also, you must note that there’s a tiny amount of space between the head and the platter. And, they’re not supposed to be in contact.

Now, what happens if both these parts come in contact? In case you’re wondering, that will damage the platter. As a result, it will start corrupting the data stored in the hard drive. In such cases, you should shut down the device immediately. Also, reach out to Smart Data Recovery for retrieving any lost files within the shortest possible time.

What Causes Head Crashes in Your Hard Drive?

The read/write head may crash into the platter under various circumstances. These mostly include physical jolt or damage to the hard drive. So, here are some of the main causes behind head crashes in hard drives:

Your Hard Drive has become Old

Various parts of your computer start facing issues with time. As a result, their performance begins to deteriorate as well. Your hard drive may last for quite a long time, depending on the device you’re using. But, it will face issues with various components in it after that.

The actuator arm and the read/ write head might wear out in an old hard drive. As a result, the latter crashes over the platter. Apart from device drives, this applies to external ones as well.

You’ve Damaged the Hard Drive

This cause applies mainly in the case of external hard drives. After all, the ones located in devices are comparably safer from damages. Have you dropped your external hard disk or caused damage to it somehow? Then, the actuator arm or read/write head might have got damaged as well. In such cases, the head might often simply crash into the platter.

Sudden Jolts to the Hard Drive

You might find this cause mainly on laptop hard drives and external ones. After all, you probably carry them around quite often. Sometimes, you might unknowingly cause a sudden and severe jolt to them. In such a case, it might cause damage to the read/ write head. As a result, it might come in contact with the platter.

Power Surges

Your computer might often face sudden power fluctuations in situations such as power cuts. In such cases, it might face some damage to its control board. As a result, the read/ write head often comes in contact with the platter. You can take certain measures to prevent this from happening.


This is yet another common cause of overheating in your computer’s hard drive. Does your device heat up quite often? You’ll probably continue to use it after that. But, in case you didn’t know, it can cause the read/ write head to crash. As we shall see, you can avoid this issue as well, like all the aforementioned ones.

How do you Detect a Head Crash on your Hard Drive?

When the read/ write head crashes on the platter, you obviously can’t see it. So, how do you come to know that it has happened? In case you’re wondering, loss of data is one of the most common signs you’ll get. Also, when the platter and the read/ write head are in contact, they should make a sound.

Do you hear anything unusual while working on your computer? A screeching sound probably indicates that the hard drive head is in contact with the platter. In case you don’t hear anything like that, there might not be a crash. Otherwise, the platter might have stopped spinning. Now, that mainly happens when the hard disk doesn’t receive power, which is a different issue.

Can you Retrieve Lost Data from a Hard Drive after its Head Crashes?

Read/ write head crashes in hard drives cause data loss more often. So, you’d most likely lose some important files if you face this issue. Now, is it possible to retrieve them? In case you’re wondering, the answer might depend on certain factors. First, you must consider how much damage the hard drive has faced.

The more the storage device is damaged, the harder it is to retrieve data from it.  Yet, you can’t entirely rule out the possibility of successful data recovery. After all, some professional services can help you get all your lost files back. In any case, you must act quickly.

Is there any Way to Prevent Hard Drive Head Crashes?

As mentioned before, you can avoid certain issues that cause hard drive head crashes. Now that you know the causes, it’s time to have a look at some prevention tips. So, here are certain ways you can reduce the chances of the read/ write head crash:

Keep your Device Cool

Overheating, as you’ve seen, is quite a common cause behind hard drive head crashes. So, you must work on preventing it on your device first. Now, it’s normal for your computer to generate some heat while working. But, it gets overrated when it can’t let out that heat. So, you must make sure to keep its fan and air vents clean. Clear dust and debris from them regularly to reduce the chances of overheating.

Apart from that, if possible, you must also shut down the device when it overheats. If anything, that will only prevent certain problems from showing up on your device. Also, you must always try to keep your device in a cool place.

Find a Stable Power Source

You must try to prevent sudden power surges in your device. After all, it can affect the hardware more than any other component. So, you simply need to arrange a stable power supply for your device. Are there any issues with the power supply components of your device? Then, fix or replace them without unnecessary delay.

Switch to a Solid State Drive (SSD)

Want a permanent solution to hard drive head crashes? Then, simply start using an SSD on your computer. After all, there won’t be head crashes if there aren’t any read/ write heads. So, this is surely a solution worth your consideration. However, you must keep in mind that SSDs have some shortcomings as well/

Backup your Data to Protect Important Files

The aforementioned methods are all you can apply to prevent head crashes in HDDs. But, storage drive failures are pretty much inevitable after a certain point in time. So, you must take additional measures to protect your data. The best way to do that is by opting for regular backups.