
Remote Work Helpful Pointers Incorporating Work-life Balance

Working remotely has unique challenges. A major challenge is finding a work-life balance when you work from home. In fact, Forbes found that up to 62 % of remote workers experience burnout symptoms. Therefore, it is vital that you find a way to balance your life.

Create a Separate Work Space

Create an office space or find a coworking space Sydney that is separate from your daily living spaces. Your home office must be free of distractions and promote productivity. You should be able to focus and do your work without interruptions in this location. However, you shouldn’t use this area for any other task. For example, avoid going into your office on the weekends or evenings after you finish working. This encourages your mind to separate from work when you aren’t sitting in your home office.

Adopt a Schedule

One of the challenging aspects of working from home is keeping a schedule. Start and end your work at the same time each day. Then, regardless of whether you are in the middle of a project or feel as if you still have work that needs to be done, get up and leave your office at the end of your workday. Let the job go, and don’t come back into your office until you are ready to get back to work.

At work, you are typically allowed two 15-minute breaks and at least a 30-minute lunch during an eight-hour shift. Maintain these breaks. Your brain needs time to rest and regroup. You will be amazed by how easily you can find solutions to problems when you are on a break. Make sure your breaks are outside of your home office. These are times you can take the dog for a walk, eat nutritious meals and snacks or just relax.

Avoid Multitasking

You may have been told the value of multitasking, but when you multitask, you split your focus amongst several projects. You may think that taking five minutes to throw in a load of laundry or do some other home tasks during your work time won’t matter, but it does. It extends your work time and makes you feel like everything is work. You need limits.

Multitasking on your work reduces productivity, which may cause you to work extra hours to get all your work done. In addition, instead of finishing one exceptional project at a time, you may finish several adequate projects. It is always wise to focus on one thing and do it to the best of your ability than to split your focus and produce subpar work.

Plan Activities for Your Leisure Time

Remember to exercise. Take a walk or go for a bike ride when you finish working. Do something to get your blood flowing. Remember that you aren’t walking to and from your vehicle and office, so you are probably getting much less exercise than you would if you worked outside your home. A Magazine states that regular exercise reduces stress and improves memory, cognition, mood, and mental health.

You may also plan family time and events. Meet friends and colleagues for coffee or drinks. Take classes. You may find it difficult to do these things spontaneously, so consider scheduling these activities. These plans encourage you to leave your desk at a specific time because you have somewhere else to be. They force you to stick to your schedule.

Avoid Starting the Minute You Wake

Maintain your morning routine. For example, go into the kitchen and get some coffee. Sit down for breakfast. Get ready for work. Even doing one small work task before you start your day can cause you to get sucked in, and pretty soon, you are halfway through your workday. Allow yourself time to wake up fully and get acclimated before you start working.

Working from home involves a set of challenges, but you can still achieve a work-life balance by setting work limits, scheduling your work, and planning leisure activities.