Digital Marketing

Web Design Mistakes That Can Affect Your Website’s SEO

In web design, it would be safe to say that there are many types of design mistakes. However, a few unforgiving ones can affect your website’s ranking and SEO endeavors when people are searching for keywords related to your business.

Here is a list of mistakes you must avoid when building or designing your official website. Chances are, with a few minor changes and revisions to your web design, you can make a big difference to your SEO and SERP.

Not Linking to the About Us Page

When the world’s most famous search engines (Google) crawlers follow links, they search for all kinds of generic terms that help them gather information. Therefore, make sure that you include a relevant headline and links to the contact page and the About Us page. This will help search engines crawl through your website and the content its bots must analyze to construe everything else present.

Even though including hyperlinks is crucial, leading search engine algorithms might not follow these with the same zeal as when searching for basic pages and information on your website.

If this all sounds a bit overwhelming, you should consider taking assistance from an expert web designer who can also take care of the SEO abilities of your website. With professional Contractor Web Design, you get an opportunity to maintain your website’s design and SEO-related needs. It can make your website easily visible in search engines and more attractive to visitors.

Hosting Bloated Images

You might not have noticed that, but compressed image file formats play a crucial role in the smooth running of your website. Uncompressed image files might look excellent and attractive to some, but they consume a lot of time and data to load. It’s because uncompressed image file formats usually require helper applications to appear in a user’s browser. And a search engine treats them as third-party downloads, which can impact your website’s ranking in the search results. 

To deal with this problem, start with compressing pictures and pdf files to minimize the loading times, and as a result, your website ranks improve in the search page results.

Designing Only for Desktop Devices

A website only designed for desktop devices takes forever to load on mobile devices, making them undesirable for smartphone users. Also, more importantly, when ranking websites, search engines review the mobile performance of your website. And when you get a rank, the possibility of a bounce increases by more than 100 percent if you take less than 10 seconds to resolve a page.

To check how your website loads on mobile devices, use physical hardware or a mobile processing tool to analyze its performance.

To Sum it Up

Many people don’t know, but the design of your website plays a crucial role in search engine rankings. Moreover, with a fast and attractive design, you increase the probability of increasing traffic to your website, hence increasing your client base. However, this is easier said than done, and to make sure the design of your website perfectly aligns with your SEO, make sure you have hired an expert who can take care of it and your marketing and designing needs in the future.