
Why Cross Browser Extensions Are Popular

Have you faced the problem of crossing out text on Discord? If your answer is yes, you no longer have to worry because in this short article, am about to reveal how to cross out text on Discord. So, just go ahead and continue reading this article. I will provide you with detailed information later on.

In earlier versions of Android, crossing out text on Discord was not difficult to do. This is because the built-in chat windows of the OS were very helpful in formatting chats in an orderly manner. Well, these chat windows are now outdated. In the new Android OS, you cannot cross out text on Discord anymore because it does not allow you to. But still, there are some tricks that I am about to reveal to you that will help you to cross out text from chat windows.

Keyboard Layout of Discord

First of all, you need to understand the keyboard layout of Discord. By understanding this keyboard layout, you can easily customize the appearance of your chat window by crossing out any of the text effects or symbols present there. For example, if there is a pink background for your chat window, you can easily cross out the word ‘pink’.

Customize Appearance

Second of all, you need to customize the appearance of your chat app. You can easily do so by right-clicking on your chat app icon or you can even press and hold on to the icon until you find the customization option. Once you find it, customize the appearance of the window as per your needs. Here, I am referring to the formatting options that are available with the icons.

If you have already customized the appearance of the app and want to add a cross icon or other formatting options, you need to go to ‘oggle formatting options’ in the drop-down menu. This will open a new window where you can select various options such as font type, font size, the color of text, etc. The bottom part of the screen also contains some useful features such as undo button, delete button, and thumbnail.

Hide Unwanted Border Colors

One other interesting trick that you can perform by using a cross-platform text markdown tool is to hide any unwanted border colors that are present below the text effect. So, if you want to add some texts to your chat window, but the rest of the border is not necessary, you can hide it using this neat trick. To hide the border, just center your cursor below the text effect and then drag the border outwards. This trick will hide any unwanted border present on the app.

Another cool trick that I am going to reveal to you today is how you can customize your chat window according to the current theme color. To customize your chat window with the custom color, simply click on the ‘gear’ icon on the top right corner of the chat window and then choose ‘customize’. Here you can change the color from your current setting. If you want to customize the look for all chat windows, you can simply use the same method to select a different theme color for all windows.


A big reason behind using a cross-browser extension on Discord is to avoid clashing colors when sharing files between browsers. So, if you use a cross-browser program like Big Commerce, for instance, you will have no problem sharing files between different browsers. With the help of a big commerce plug-in installed on your computer, you can easily share images, video clips, and various web links using any device with any compatible browser. You can also use cross-browser with any of the online service providers such as FileZoom, Urchin, Yahoo Messenger, and so on. All these features will make your life more comfortable as you can work on your computer anywhere at any time. These are some of the reasons for the huge popularity of cross-browser extensions.