Apps & Software

Why You Should Prefer Flutter For iOS App Development

Currently, the mobile app development industry is witnessing is all time high and this is one of the main reasons why Android app development and iOS app development are now getting involved with emerging technologies like beacon technology, flutter technology and many more.

In this article, our primary focus will remain on flutter and its importance in the process of iOS app development. The iOS mobile applications hold a lot of potential as they have now turned into a primary factor in driving sales and revenue for an online product or digital service.

With mobile apps being the basic requirement for today’s businesses, it is crucial to stay up-to-date with all the recent software launches. Because this is what allows you to effectively as well as efficiently connect with your target audience. And the best part is that this scenario doesn’t vary for budding startups, SMEs (Small to Medium-scale Enterprises) or even well-established Fortune 500 companies.

This has also resulted in a huge spike in the hiring of well-known flutter app development companies for client business projects on major platforms like Android and iOS.

With each day passing, the competition in the mobile application industry is significantly increasing as more and more apps are entering the app stores. At present, Google Play Store and Apple App Store are the ones that hold the majority of the market.

However, enterprises are now looking for solutions that are highly time efficient and can be completed with a pre-defined or limited budget. But at the same time, fulfilling these two criteria are not that easy especially when you are targeting both platforms i.e. Android and iOS.

This is the part where cross-platform mobile app development comes into action as the native application development process for both iOS and Android requires two different sets of resources which automatically increase the overall cost if not entirely double it.

Earlier we had React Native framework for this requirement, but now it’s all about Flutter. This is because as a cross-platform mobile application development framework, Flutter is making itself known in the market. Keep on reading to find out how this technology is impacting the native iOS application development.

What To Expect From Flutter?

As you already know, Flutter is an open-source and multi-platform, mobile SDK (Software Development Kit) which can be used to develop efficient applications on both iOS and Android operating systems while utilizing the same source code.

There are various major organizations like Alibaba that have already adapted to flutter for developing mobile apps and other digital products and services. This is also because at present, cross-platform frameworks like Flutter and React Native are providing app developers with excellent support of various native features.

Ever since the Swift programming language came into existence, the native iOS mobile development has become more interesting for iOS developers. For instance, the iOS apps developed with native technologies are very light and fast. But at the same time, users can easily figure out if there is something missing from the app as well.

Due to this, the number of flutter mobile apps in the Apple App Store has also increased in the past few months. Here are some of the key benefits of using flutter technology in the process of iOS app development for native applications.

  • Better Technical Architecture
  • Higher App Developer Productivity
  • Interactive UI  (User Interface) Components
  • More Testing Support
  • Additional CI/CD Support

There’s no denying that Flutter technology is different in comparison to the native iOS development tools. The Flutter framework is still new to the industry and offers a detailed process to implement, but it will surely grow fast. Here, we suggest you stay updated with the latest updates being released by the official team of flutter. You can do so by keeping a track of their social media channels, for instance, Twitter!