Digital Marketing

MilesWeb Windows Reseller Hosting Review

Like many others, you too might have dreamt of starting your own business. No one likes working in the 8 hours of schedule today. All want to become their own boss and rule the empire. Many of you would have even thought of a niche but might have got stuck or maybe are afraid of taking a financial risk.

What if you found a business that can be started within a price of a large pizza? Surprised!

You are extremely excited to know about it, right? But control your excitement until we come to that point.

In your daily life, you browse thousands of websites. Have you ever thought how do you get to view these websites from your location? It’s because of web hosting.

In web hosting, you rent a space on a server to host your website. It means your website’s images, content, files, etc. will be stored on that space.

There are various types of web hosting solutions available as per the website requirements. For instance shared is mostly for startup or new websites. VPS is for those that want to have an independent environment for their website but can’t afford to buy dedicated servers. WordPress hosting is especially for WordPress websites. Dedicated servers are for those don’t want to have disturbance of any one. Cloud is for large organizations that need flexibility and want to work remotely. Similarly, reseller hosting allow you to start your own web hosting business.

So, your answer is here: reseller hosting.

With unlimited reseller hosting plan, you can start your own web hosting business with a low financial investment. Moreover, you don’t need to have an office or hire staff for managing the business.

Just select a reseller hosting plan from the web host, create your own packages and start selling them via your website. You can do this business right from your home too. All the technical support will be offered by the web host.

You get two types of reseller hosting plans – Linux and Windows. Since there’s an increase in ASP.NET websites, we will check the review for the best Windows reseller hosting provider.

Are They Right for Starting Your Web Hosting Business?

About MilesWeb

MilesWeb was founded in 2012 and offers all types of web hosting solutions to cater the needs of every website. They aim at offering cutting-edge technology with cheap web hosting on their servers to deliver the superior performance to your website. They know the importance of your website and ensure to offer the best uptime of 99.95%. Customer support is a must when there are any technical issues and so, their team is available 24/7 to help you resolve the queries via live chat and email options. Also, they promise you money back within 30 days of service purchase, if you aren’t satisfied with their services.

Windows Reseller Hosting Plans

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Free Website Migration: You can migrate your website to MilesWeb at any time and without paying any extra charges. They will do the migration of your website with minimal downtime and with zero data loss.

Free SSL Certificate: Security is important in the online business and so, you get an SSL certificate with their Windows reseller hosting plans. SSL encrypts the data sent between your website and visitor’s browser. Also, it boosts your website’s ranking in search engine and also increases the trust of your visitors.

Host Unlimited Websites: You can host multiple number of websites on the Windows reseller account.

100% White Labeled: You can sell the web hosting services with your own brand name. They won’t display their name anywhere on the control panel.

Pure SSD Drive: You get faster storage with 100% SSDs as they use flash mechanism. SSDs offer 200% better performance than HDDs.

Efficient Control Panel: Their Windows hosting account comes with Parallels Plesk control panel. You can easily manage your client’s hosting account along with their websites, emails and more.

India Datacenter: Their Windows reseller servers ate hosted at the India data center.

Malware Scan and Removal: All the websites hosted on your hosting account will be scanned for the malware and viruses. If any threat is found it is immediately fixed with the tool.

The Verdict

If you are planning to start your web hosting business, MilesWeb is surely the best hosting partner to go for. You get everything required to start your web hosting business with their Windows reseller hosting plans.