
Incredible Tips For Optimizing Amazon PPC To Boost Sales

Amazon is the digital advertising giant that helps uplift every type of business. Although it holds the 3rd position in digital marketing, after Google and Facebook, its conversion rate is higher than these both platforms. And, it’s all possible due to the robust data collection technology and unique advertising features of Amazon. As a result, sellers are investing more and more in Amazon advertising programs to increase sales and improve brand awareness.

Generally, Amazon offers three types of ads format: sponsored products, sponsored brands, and sponsored display. And new sellers primarily run sponsored product ad campaigns to increase their visibility and get potential customers. However, running this campaign effectively isn’t easy; you need to take care of several things and must have the technical knowledge to increase ROI. The ad campaign should be crafted carefully, as for each click, you have to pay some dollars, whether the click generates the sales or not. Also, for higher conversion, you need to choose the right search keywords for your ads. If you are a new vendor and have no knowledge about setting ad campaigns, it would be great to use automated Amazon FBA Seller Tools.

In this article, we will discuss key tips to optimize Amazon sponsored product ad campaigns. So let’s begin without wasting time.

Focus On Consistency Of Campaign

Amazon PPC campaigns offer you a rough structure for ad activities, which is terrible as well as good news. You can organize campaigns based on product category, by brand, or by top sellers. No matter whatever method you choose, all are pretty effective. The only thing you have to keep in mind is the consistency of the ad campaign. If you change the organizational structure, for instance, you carve one campaign using the brand and another by category, it could result in ad repetition. And this will affect your sales and profits. So if you are pretty familiar with Amazon PPC, it would be better to use a benchmark for your ad account.

Put Similar Products In Single Ad Group

Another vital thing that you need to pay attention to while building an Amazon campaign is product grouping. To get more clicks, place all the similar products in a single ad group. It is important to note that all the products in a specific group will appear for the keywords set for the campaign. Therefore, it is essential to select the products that appropriately fit those keywords.

Insert Target Keywords In Your Product Listing

Both organic traffic and paid traffic have one thing in common, i.e. incredible user experience. This means they want relevant results for their search. Therefore, they don’t expect Amazon or other advertising platforms to show ads that are not related to what they are actually looking for. You can help Amazon in this context by adding relevant keywords in the title and description of your product listing. However, it is crucial to keep in mind that the insertion of keywords must be strategic and must not seem odd. Otherwise, buyers will not read /understand listings, which eventually lowers the chances of conversion.

Set Different Bids

Setting the bids for the target keywords is one of the most challenging things. Some sellers lose a significant amount of money by setting the same amount of bids. Never make this mistake; set different bids for different keywords according to the profit margin of products. Apart from this, being a new Amazon seller, you have to set a higher bid than the old vendors so that you can search Amazon history.

Take Amazon Help To Identify Relevant Keywords

If you find setting Amazon PPC quite confusing in the initial phase, you can also run an automatic campaign for a few days to see the search term that will generate good sales. This will help to create an effective manual campaign later.

Use Paid Amazon PPC Tools

You can also use paid Amazon FBA seller tools like Helium 10, Scale Insights, Ad Badger, Teikametrics, etc., to alleviate advertising cost of sale, increase sales and optimize campaigns, minimize ACoS and save time.

The Bottom Line-:

Advertising on Amazon has become essential for retailers to generate sales and grow business. This process requires considerable time as well as energy; however, the time spent is well worth the yield of new buyers.