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How Big Companies Are Helping in Coronavirus Pandemic

The Coronavirus pandemic has literally rattled the global economy. Travel bans have been imposed in various parts of the world and the biggest international brands have started portraying a bleak picture of disrupted supply chains and dwindling demand for their products. While the virus continues to affect the consumer behavior and business sentiment, there are sectors that are helping positively in an ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.

In order to promote social distancing, tech giants including Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon are asking more employees to work from home as the COVID 19 pandemic continues to spread.

In this post, we’ll see how big companies are helping in Coronavirus pandemic to navigate the difficult, evolving situation.

Remote Working

As mentioned above, many digital companies and tech giants are asking their employees to work from home. Twitter has made remote working mandatory for all workers internationally. Facebook is also recommending that all employees globally must follow remote working practices if the nature of their job allows.

Google is asking their North America employees to work remotely through April 10. The company has also announced that it would compensate hourly employees and create a fund to provide sick leave pay to the workers who’re not full-time and affected by the disease. Noticeably, Google was also forced to cancel its event scheduled for mid-May.

Twitter has also said that the company will pay the labor for usual working hours to part-time contractors and hourly workers. In addition to that, the company is also offering compensation to parents for extra daycare and home office setup expenses caused by the virus.

The idea is to help both full-time and hourly workers during the Corona Virus pandemic.

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E-Learning Solutions

As the total number of COVID 19 cases continue to increase, educational institutions worldwide immediately move to online learning solutions in an attempt to slow down the spread of the disease.

Many digital agencies have already started working on comprehensive and inclusive online courses and learning resources that can help universities and colleges to shift large amounts of teaching and consultation online.

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China and Hong Kong specially had a headstart on transitioning to e-learning practices when its universities substituted in-person classes and exams with digital e-learning tools back in November, 2019.

Online learning has suddenly become critical to teaching models worldwide and digital marketing companies are continuously making efforts to introduce state-of-the-art tools and resources that can help fill the void.

Why You Need to Turn to Digital Marketing Solutions in the Wake of Coronavirus Crisis?

The Coronavirus crisis has led companies to reconsider their digital marketing approach. In fact, the role of digital agencies is more crucial than ever before as many people are self-isolating. With people spending more time on their mobile, laptops, and tablets, demand for online marketing is likely to increase in the coming future as people now prefer online shopping over physical shopping experiences. Tech companies and digital agencies are allowing users to shop online while staying safe at their home. They’re proposing solutions and drop-shipping ideas that can make the trend of online shopping even better and more beneficial for the online users.

Using Digital Marketing Campaigns to Spread Awareness

Minimizing social contact and taking precautions are the best measures one can take to avoid infection. Healthcare organizations and NGOs are making use of various digital marketing channels to initiate coronavirus awareness campaigns that help them reach larger audiences. Using email and SMS marketing, companies can introduce their healthcare products, share tips and suggestions, and simply keep people informed and updated with factual information.

Digital agencies like BlueHawkSEO are striving to integrate the below-listed practices to keep pace with the current situation:

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is one of the easiest and cost-effective ways businesses and brands can reach their target audience. No, we’re not talking about those long and boring emails and cold calling messages as you have to think out of the box and may need to send out personalized and targeted messages to opted-in readers who’re interested in your news.

Content Creation

Content production is an integral part of your personalized marketing campaign. For instance, if you’re looking to promote a certain coronavirus-related product or a service, you should draft your message in a way that it persuade your readers to read your message till the end.

Businesses are leveraging the power of digital marketing during the current COVID 19 pandemic to spread awareness and boost engagement.

Leverage AI

Businesses are taking advantage of current developments in the sphere of AI to drive down cost per acquisition of potential customers by ensuring they’re sending the right message to the right audience.

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Content Marketing

Take advantage of your online presence and create fresh and relevant content for your blog which can be used on multiple platforms including your social media marketing channels to make your digital presence stand out in a crowd.

Search Engine Optimization

Thoroughly check your website for technical flaws that one resolved will have a lasting impact on the search engine visibility of your website. Make sure you check your rankings from time to time and enhance the keyword strategy to revamp the quality of your traffic.

Video Marketing

Assess your website from the visitor’s perspective and ensure that there is a robust CTA on every page of your website that can prompt users to make a right decision.

Final Thoughts

All in all, digital agencies and other big companies are leveraging the power of marketing and AI to:

  • improve communication to spread authentic crisis information and preventive measures across different channels
  • devising strategies to promote social distancing by providing work from home opportunities
  • Using content marketing to promote local and federal regulations, information about travel restrictions, and other important information
  • Seamless broadband availability to ensure that the stay-at-home users can get access to the latest information
  • Portfolio of strategies highlighting incident response and right preventive measures

What are your thoughts on this? Feel free to share your feedback as we would love to hear back.