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How to Get More Subscribers on YouTube

Content marketing is now on everyone’s lips. As the main part, the video is essential for educating, engaging, and converting Internet users. This is why more and more companies have a channel on YouTube. Boosting your views on YouTube is your dearest wish as a YouTubers. Like many people, you want to be more visible to gain more subscribers. And you are not wrong since YouTube is still the second most popular search engine in the world. It is also a formidable tool whether you are a simple YouTuber or just integrate YouTube into your business marketing strategy.

Why your business should be featured on YouTube?

Before explaining in detail how to use YouTube to ensure the success of your marketing campaigns, it is important to explain why your business should be featured on YouTube. First, YouTube offers countless advantages: YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world, after Google. Plus, by posting content to YouTube, your business will appear more quickly in Google. Indeed, the search engine groups put together images, text, books, local searches and videos. Thus, your YouTube videos will appear in its results just like textual sites. Here is some additional information to consider:

  • Consumers who watch a video are 1.81 times more likely to purchase the featured product.
  • YouTube reaches more people between the ages of 18 and 34 than any cable network.
  • YouTube is available in 61 languages and used in 75 countries.
  • YouTube videos can be shared very easily.

Top 8 Strategies to get more subscribers

1. Post your video regularly

How many times have you taken to a company’s YouTube page only to find with annoyance that the last video posted was in 2011? This situation arises far too often. The viewer is then disappointed and wonders about the seriousness of the brand. One of the best ways to gain YouTube subscribers is to become a trusted source of information by providing video content regularly. Set realistic goals (for example, one to two new videos per week) and stick to them. I recommend that companies should create basic content, such as regular tutorials related to your products or services. Your audience will end up relying on you for at least one type of recurring content that they will look forward to. By positioning your brand as a brand of trust with your audience and customers, you are sure to succeed in building a loyal community. You can be the most reliable when it comes to new content.Stick to your plan to gain more trust.

2. Be brief

With the average length of a video on YouTube reaching 4.4 minutes, it makes sense that a short video is more likely to hold your audience’s attention. On average, YouTube users stay focused for about three minutes on a video, a figure that should also be kept in mind. However, like most marketing strategies, it is important to be flexible when it calls for it. It is obvious that the shorter, the better. But depending on the topic (interview, speech, presentation), you may need to create a longer video to properly get your point across.

3. Embed subscription buttons on your blog.

On your blog and website, advertise your presence on YouTube, as you do with other social networks. The platform offers you many buttons, easy to configure and install on your site, to encourage your visitors to subscribe with one click. You need to figure out how to add a subscribe button to your videos.

4. Interact with your audience

By asking interesting questions about other users’ videos, you can start conversations and get the audience and the affected user to watch your own channel. If you manage to position yourself as an active member of the community, you will naturally gain subscribers. Here are some key points for interacting with other users and increasing your number of subscribers on YouTube:

  • Take a few minutes everyday to watch other YouTubers’ channels and content, and post relevant questions or comments.
  • Encourage members of your audience to ask questions.
  • Ask members of your audience to come up with ideas for content.
  • Organize a contest on YouTube whose answers must be provided in a video.

5. Reward your followers

You can interact with your subscribers and attract new ones by rewarding them. Everyone loves to win freebies and prizes or hit the jackpot, so give them a reason to subscribe or stay subscribed by being generous. Your viewers probably don’t care that you hit the 500 subscribers mark on your channel. You must therefore encourage them to help you. Show your gratitude and appreciation to your followers. Host a contest, give gifts, or send your followers a dedication to thank them for their loyalty or for sharing your channel and videos. By rewarding your audience for loyalty and showing them, rather than telling them how important they are to you, you will retain new YouTubers.

6. Organize video contests

Offering a contest on YouTube will allow you to get more engagement from internet users, especially if you make it conditional on subscribing and sharing one of your videos. This practice helps you create excitement around your channel and increase your notoriety (and, by extension, your community).

7. Optimize video description for SEO

Take care of your video’s description by integrating keywords that will allow you to optimize your referencing in search engines. This is the guarantee of being regularly visible to qualified Internet users, who will want to subscribe to your YouTube channel.

8. Organize a cross-channel promotion of your videos

Your presence on the various existing social networks is an obligation as soon as you want to be visible. Set up a real social media strategy to ensure your promotion. As soon as you post a video, share it with your Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus followers. Advertise it on your Instagram or Snapchat account. You can even send an email to subscribers to your newsletter. The more you communicate on your YouTube channel, the more likely you will be to recruit new subscribers. Remember to use YouTube Analytics to monitor your main performance indicators.

To sum up

As you can see, there are many strategies to attract new YouTube subscribers. By focusing your efforts on what your audience expects rather than what your brand wants, you can build a loyal community. Focus on creating unique and relevant content that will appeal to your audience and meet their needs to increase your YouTube subscribers. Now apply the above strategies to your YouTube campaign.