
5 Biggest Obstacles When Looking For A Job Abroad

When you decide to take the plunge and move overseas, the adrenaline can feel like you are playing at a Book of Ra especially if you have no job abroad waiting upon your arrival. To enbook of rasure your move abroad is effortless, we are going to break down 5 of the most common challenges you may face when looking for work and how to overcome them! 

Obtaining A Work Visa 

Getting a job abroad isn’t as simple as booking a flight and planning a vacation. Before you can work in most countries, you will need to apply for a work visa, otherwise you are breaking the law and can be fined and deported. Obtaining a work visa with all the jobs abroad requirements can be tricky due to the amount of paperwork and documents you need to gather. To speed up the process, we recommend you contact a job abroad agency that can streamline the process. 

Language Barrier

A crucial job requirement is knowledge of the local language. Unless you are nearly fluent in the language of your new country, a large percentage of jobs are not going to be suitable for you. For example, client-facing positions where you are communicating with locals are not going to work. To overcome this problem you can apply to international companies who use English as their business language, to local companies who mostly work with English-speaking clients.

The Job Abroad Search Process Can Be Lengthy

Landing a job abroad may be very different from finding a job in your home country. The competition may be very high, there could be lots of rounds of interviews and a lack of suitable jobs. To prevent yourself from spending months aimlessly applying to different jobs abroad, you could sign up for job abroad programs that will help set you up for interviews, guide you through the entire job search process and use their insider knowledge to get you an ideal job abroad without experience.

Financial Stress

If you have moved abroad with no job, you need to rely on your savings to support yourself until you start generating income. Using your savings to live can be extremely stressful, especially as you watch your bank account decrease every day as you have no success finding a job. 

To ease your stress, you should make sure you have enough savings before you hop on a plane and move to a new country. We recommend you build up a nest egg that can last you at least 6 months abroad without income. To help you boost your savings, you can look for side hustles online such as taking surveys, using money-making apps, or selling things on eBay. These hustles can be an easy way to make an extra $1000 per month.

Culture Clash

You may have difficulties finding a job abroad due to a culture clash and differing expectations on behavior. For example, if you mistakenly refer to a hiring manager by an incorrect title, you could cause offense and give yourself no chance of landing the job. To prepare yourself for your new home, you should contact a job abroad consultancy agency and find out how employees are supposed to act during the interview process and particular dos and don’ts. 

If you are aware of the challenges of finding a job abroad and use our strategies to solve them, you should have no issues finding your perfect job and adapting to your new home!


Now that you know all the job opportunities abroad and the steps you should take to get the best position, you will have no problems adapting to a new lifestyle. We would love to hear your experience moving overseas and finding work. Please comment on how you were able to land a job and what obstacles you had to overcome!