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MilesWeb Review: How to choose the best blog Hosting platform in Malaysia

For choosing the best or a perfect hosting platform in Malaysia or any other country, you should have some kind of information related to hosting. This can give you some idea about it and you can host your site accordingly. You can read MilesWeb Review.

If you’re a freelancer, designer or a newbie, hosting your site on a well reputed platform will be much better for improving your business performance. Hosting helps you to create your site’s presence in online way which is necessary for any business now. This enables your brand to highlight in the market and to market your services to potential customers.  Hosting is a base of the foundation, if it’s weak your website can tumble like a tower of cards after the wind blows. So,let’s find out how to choose the proper hosting platform.

First,I will brief about the types of web hosting options which would be easy for you to go for 

Shared hosting 

Several customers share a server’s resources,  which means that a single server can host   dozens of websites. For a startup, I think this is best hosting where you can host your site. The cost is also low as too many website are hosted on single shared server. The shared server can slowdown your site and it may run sluggish because other sites are pulling the resources due to heavy traffic on them. MilesWeb hosting offers a lifetime free domain and SSL certificate free which is best for any hosting provider.


Reseller Hosting creates new individual hosting accounts. It is like hosting on a 3rd party site. It allows agencies and freelancers to generate recurring revenue. Through Reseller hosting Malaysia you can get recurring revenue and can maintain along term relationship.

VPS Hosting 

This option is one of the best hosting servers which you can prefer for hosting. As dedicated server is costly, VPS is much preferred then shared hosting. In VPS, you get a portion of server’s resources that include RAM, CPU and disc space. A server is allocated just for you and runs in a virtual environment. This option is little bit costly then shared hosting but it’s really worth it. It offers better performance and stability. You can get full access to your virtual server. You can scale up your resources in VPS hosting. If you are thinking that traffic will increase in future then you can update the plan assuming the growth of your business or a site.

Dedicated Hosting

This option states that you will have full access to the server and can use all its hardware resources. This is one of the most expensive options for you to host. Dedicated servers are used by businesses with large websites receiving thousands of visitors per day. You get full power to the server and also, get level of flexibility and control. It maintains a higher level of stability and efficient power. The performance is incredibly high and uptime well worth the expense. MilesWeb dedicated hosting gives you more reliability makes it best for overall performance of your site.

What should I look for Web Hosting?

Before selecting a web hosting malaysia ,you need to know what your hosting needs are. You need to consider the things which are required to build a site. You should know your audience. There are lots of factors while you consider choosing a great host.

Have a look at these necessary features 

Storage Space – Check the amount of space required to store your data on their server.  

Bandwidth – It is the amount of data that your hosts will transmit from one point to another over a computer in a given time.

Support – Does the hosting provider provide 24/7 customer support to the clients?

UptimeCheck whether your hosting company provides proper uptime.  Uptime is a very crucial factor in choosing the best hosting company. MilesWeb uptime is 99.95% guaranteed.

Free domainIf you get a free domain for lifetime then it’s a cheery on the cake. MilesWeb offers free domain for lifetime with their value and unlimited web hosting plans.

SecurityDoes your hosting provider offer proper security features to yoursite? Does it offer free SSL certificate, SpamExperts, Web application,Firewall, Backup, etc? But MilesWeb provides security features which protects your website from attacks and malware.

Conclusion – 

Avoid free hosting as it can ruin your website. You can go for Shared or VPS hosting for your startup website. If you look for more resources and power then you can go for dedicated hosting. There are various hosting options but you need to choose the best for you as per your need and requirement. If you are feeling over confident then try to setup your own server and self host. Finding a host that gives you proper services, helps to setup your hosting and makes you feel safe and better, you should go with MilesWeb. I hope you in this article, I have suggested you the best hosting provider in Malaysia and hope so your hosting need will be completed with my suggestion.