
Why Retail Owners Are Turning to Electronic Shelf Labels

In Europe, the concept of your digital price tags is not a new one. However, US retailers have been slow to embrace this latest technology for a few reasons, including misconceptions of a low return on investment. But all this might change as Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs) are quickly evolving and are performing tasks that are way beyond a faster price change.

Additionally, ESLs are getting better and helping businesses manage stocks, cut down labor costs, facilitate e-commerce and interact with shoppers in new and efficient ways.

Here you’ll find the reasons why ESLs are the future of retail and e-commerce stores and why your business should reap its benefits. Let’s get started:

Enhances Customer Experience

The pandemic has caused significant disruptions among retail businesses around the world. To add more to the woes of retail investors, the imposition of lockdown restrictions, including transportation of goods and people, resulted in the shopping of only essential goods and shopping of products in bulk. 

During that time, there has been a significant upgrade in the technology used by the ESLs. This helped retailers to satisfy the increasing demands of their customers more effectively. With the digital price tags, a customer benefits from the reduced query response time, quickly finding a particular item they need in a retail store. As a result, the addition of ESLs proved to be of great assistance in enhancing the shopping experience and running a retail business more efficiently.

Allows a Business to Run Efficiently

One of the clear advantages of digital price tags is eliminating the need for paper-based labels. This means more work efficiency for a retail business owner as it takes a lot of work off the workers. This way, they can spend more time and energy on more important things.

By installing digital price tags, a retail facility owner arranges an innovative way of storing data, centralizing and compiling all data points into one storage unit. According to the specialists at, this further allows the operations managers to find opportunities to improve supply chain efficiency, sales, and customer satisfaction. So if your retail business is struggling to compete with e-commerce stores, this is the change you need to make and find ways to run your business more efficiently.

Reduced and Better Waste Management

Apart from enhancing efficiency, ESLs also help retail business owners reduce and manage waste in better ways. By eliminating the requirement for paper, enabling retailers to find out all the perishable items nearing their expiration dates and notifying them about the need for price adjustments.

Moreover, going green and sustainable has become a huge trend, and it’s not going anywhere soon. As a result, consumers are now looking for businesses actively making conscious choices to save the environment. So, if your retail business is showing signs of better sustainability, the chances of you attracting more customers seem more viable.

To Sum it Up

Change is only a part of growth, and by adopting these ESLs, retail business managers provide their business with more reasons for success. The reasons as mentioned earlier will not only help you attract more customers but also improve customer satisfaction. And that is something every business will always need to expand.