Digital MarketingSocial Media

Social Media Websites and 10 Principles of Content Marketing

“An interactive media that allows users to create, share, and exchange information over the internet is called Social Media. Social media is one of the best means of communication. Demand for social media is burgeoning from its birth. Social media networks provide novel and meaningful ways to internet users to communicate with one another. New social media sites are created over and over due to the extreme popularity of social media.

There are seven types of social media websites that are mentioned below:

Social Networking Sites:

Users interact by adding friends, commenting on profiles, joining groups, and having discussion on social networking sites.

Social Bookmarking Sites:

Users add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents on social bookmarking sites.

Social News Sites:

Users post news articles or posts that they find interesting on social news websites.

Media Sharing Websites:

Users interact by sharing photos or videos and commenting on user submissions on media sharing websites. Examples: YouTube (a video site) and Flickr (a photo site).

Wiki Sites:

Users interact by adding articles or editing existing articles on wiki sites.

Forums and Blogging Sites:

Users hold online conversations about the topic they choose on forum sites. Users post and update content on blogging sites. Examples: Blogger (a blogging site) and WarriorForum (a forum site).

Microblogging Sites:

Users share small pieces of digital content on microblogging websites that may include text, pictures, links, and short videos.

Original content and social media marketing efforts can aid companies to reach mass audience, in addition to making good relationship with the customers. Following 10 principles can help content marketer and social media expert to build a positive image and larger customer-base respectively:

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Principle No. 1:

Companies should visit the social media websites where they think their customers are. Joining discussion with the customers help company find out what their customers need. Discussions will help companies to come up with the content that their target audience values.

Principle No. 2:

Companies should build a social media and content marketing strategy that is of value to them and their target audience. Companies can build their positive image among the target audience and competitors by creating the strategy.

Principle No. 3:

Companies can boost their online presence by investing time and efforts to make connection with people who read, share, and talk about their content online

Principle No. 4:

Companies should be persistent in their social media and content marketing efforts. They will have to wait for some time to get the desired results.

Principle No. 5:

Companies should publish top quality and inspiring content, Quality content will be shared by users on popular social media websites quantifying the efforts of the company.

Principle No. 6:

Companies should spend some time on the internet to find out their strongest competitors, and they should effort to build good relationship with the target audience of their competitors. If company is perceived as a useful source of information by the target audience of its competitors, then the target audience may share companies’ content magnifying its business image.

Principle No. 7:

Companies have to give something in online content that provides value to their readers. This will help companies to receive word of mouth publicity from their target audience.

Principle No. 8:

A company should never ignore an individual who reaches it out on social media website. Relationship building is a key to the success of social media marketing. Companies should treat every individual equally who want to get connected with them on social media platforms.

Principle No. 9:

Companies should publish content consistently and participate in social conversations with their target audience. Companies should never stop publishing content for weeks or months.

Principle No. 10:

Give and take is a part of business; the same philosophy applies to social media. Companies should spend more time on the internet while talking about useful content that others have published. If companies do it, then there is a possibility that other users on the internet will also talk about the content that companies have published.

In a nutshell, social media is one of the best means of communication, and there are billions of users who are attached with social media.