How to

How to Optimize Internet Speed for Smooth Gaming

You’re playing your favorite game and about to make a decisive move but wait! Your game freezes and you’re unable to move your character at all! In frustration, you hit all the keyboard keys but no use! The opposition has already cashed the moment and turned the tables! If only you were playing the game connected to a reliable ISP like Charter Spectrum cable, you may not have experienced this instance of lag.  

At times, due to several reasons, your internet may lag. However, there are ways to optimize the speed in order to make your gaming experience smooth and seamless. Go through the following passages and learn how to do just that! 

Check Bandwidth Quality and Internet Speed 

Gamers do not require corporate internet packages to play seamlessly. However, connections of 15-20 Mbps will allow you to have a smooth gaming experience. Note that the selection of the package depends on the overall usage within your house. If your family uses the internet to stream HD movies and extensively browse the web, then you will need to subscribe to a package with even higher bandwidth. Touch base with your prospective ISP and ask them if a certain package will work out for you or not, based on your internet usage.  

Check Network Latency  

The time that data takes to travel from the source to the receiver and vice versa is termed network latency. The more time it takes, the slower will be the internet connection. And during a game, the corresponding action to your input may be delayed. So, the lower the network latency is, the better it is.  A latency rate below 150 ms is considered good whereas 20 ms is considered great.  

Latency depends on many factors. The first and foremost factor is the quality of your ISP. The mode of transmission of data also determines the quality of the network speed. A DSL cannot be better than an optic-fiber transmission setup. Take all these factors into consideration before subscribing to an ISP. 

Play Near Your Router 

Physical items such as a refrigerator or a wall can block your wireless signal. You can improve its quality by moving closer to the router. If you still experience lag, try changing the position of your gaming device. Also, try to sit in a location that does not have a lot of smart electrical appliances. They will consume bandwidth and contribute to lagging issues.  

Close Background Apps 

Many apps keep running in the background and consume internet bandwidth. Apps like Netflix and YouTube may increase your ping rate. Using a memory cleaner app can help you close these apps before you start playing your favorite game. You can also try reducing the number of devices connected to the internet. This will greatly lessen the overall consumption of bandwidth and free up space for gaming.  

Use an Ethernet Cable 

If there are a lot of Wi-Fi users in your house, you may ask them to limit their usage while you’re playing. If that doesn’t happen, try connecting your playing device to the router. For this, you’ll need to use an ethernet cable. In such a setup, the data losses will be very few and you’ll be able to have a seamless gaming experience.  

Play on Local Servers 

Many players end up playing on servers of other countries. This may happen mistakenly or due to an error in the game. Whatever the case may be, try resolving this issue by playing on a dedicated server for your country. As a rule of thumb, the closer the server is to you, the fewer are lag instances.  

Restart Your Router 

A router has to work hard to transmit data signals to devices. At times, a simple restart can help to reduce the latency and improve the ping.  

Change Your Router 

Restarting a router may not fix the problem at times. Check if the wires are plugged in the source properly when you encounter such an issue. Your device may have malfunctioned if everything is okay but the problem persists. Contact your ISP’s customer service to repair the device. After a careful check, they may recommend you to replace it altogether.   

Upgrade Your Internet Package 

Sometimes, the only fix is upgrading one’s internet package. You may not be able to get good bandwidth speeds due to region-specific issues. Alternatively, you can also try subscribing to a more reliable ISP. If you’re using a DSL-based internet connection, it is better to switch to an optic-fiber one. DSL technology is outdated and full of many instances of high latencies and lag issues. 

These are all the fixes you can apply to optimize internet speeds for gaming. If none of these fixes work, you must get in touch with your service provider immediately.